The channels highlighted on the rotating billboard are active promotions of casts that happen on Breakers.TV. The terms and condition are evolving as the site grows. Not all billboards sent will be added to the rotating billboard.
- 720x360 (720 pixels wide, 360 pixels high)
- JPEG format
- Billboards are for promoting your channel on Breakers.TV
- Date/Time of your show, including timezone(s)
- No pixelated imaging (no bad quality, blurry graphics)
- Aspect ratio of image must be in tact (aka no squished images to fit the above dimensions)
- Must own rights/have permission to use image(s) in your billboard
- Keep image content clean (nothing sexually explicit, no curse words, although cussing on the show is allowed)
- A billboard cannot be used to harass others
- No one under the age of 18 is allowed on the rotating billboard
- Cannot link to external sites
- Once your billboard is done, save it to your computer as a JPEG and then upload it to
- Email the URL of your billboard to: contact [at] vaughnsoft [dot] com
- In the email subject, put: Breakers.TV Billboard
- Include your username and URL to your Breakers.TV channel in the email
- Give us time to review it once sent in!